
Extra food salt

Extra food salt

Extra salt for food

Extra iodized food salt

Extra iodized food salt

Extra iodized salt for food

Belorusskaya food salt

Belorusskaya food salt

Belorusskaya premium table food salt

Belorusskaya iodized food salt

Belorusskaya iodized food salt

Belorusskaya premium iodized table food salt

Morskaya Plus food salt

Morskaya Plus food salt

Morskaya Plus food salt

Morskaya Plus fine iodized food salt

Morskaya Plus fine iodized food salt

Morskaya Plus fine iodized food salt for food

Universal tableted salt

Universal tableted salt

Tableted salt for water treatment in industrial and household cleaning systems

Granulated salt for water treatment

Granulated salt for water treatment

Salt for water treatment in industrial and household cleaning systems.

Granulated salt for dishwashers new

Granulated salt for dishwashers

Salt to prevent scale formation and ensure optimal operation of the water softening systems of your household appliances

Extra food salt

Extra food salt

Extra food salt packaged for industrial use

Extra iodized food salt

Extra iodized food salt

Extra food salt with potassium iodate, packaged for industrial use

Extra food salt without an anti-caking agent

Extra food salt without an anti-caking agent

Extra food salt with potassium iodate without an anti-caking agent, packaged for industrial use

Belorusskaya food salt

Belorusskaya food salt

A mixture of rock salt and extra salt, packaged for industrial use

Belorusskaya iodized food salt

Belorusskaya iodized food salt

A mixture of rock salt and extra salt with potassium iodate, packaged for industrial use

Tableted salt

Tableted salt

Tableted salt for the recovery of ion-exchange resins of water softeners in industrial and private heating and hot water systems, as well as in household water heating devices

Granulated salt

Granulated salt

Salt for the recovery of ion-exchange resins of water softeners in industrial and private heating and hot water systems, as well as in household water heating devices

Universal salting nintrite mixture

Universal salting nintrite mixture

A mixture of sodium nitrite (E250) and extra evaporated table food salt with a sodium nitrite content of 0.4-0.6%

Universal salting nintrite mixture with iodine

Universal salting nintrite mixture with iodine

A mixture of sodium nitrite (E250) and extra evaporated table food salt with a sodium nitrite content of 0.4-0.6%.

Standart salting nintrite mixture

Standart salting nintrite mixture

A mixture of extra evaporated table food salt and sodium nitrite (E250) with a sodium nitrite content of 0.6-0.8%

Standart salting nintrite mixture with iodine

Standart salting nintrite mixture with iodine

A mixture of extra evaporated table food salt and sodium nitrite (E250) with a sodium nitrite content of 0.6-0.8%.

Special salting nintrite mixture

Special salting nintrite mixture

A mixture of extra evaporated table food salt and sodium nitrite (E250) with a sodium nitrite content of 0.8-0.9%

Special salting nintrite mixture with iodine

Special salting nintrite mixture with iodine

A mixture of extra evaporated table food salt and sodium nitrite (E250) with a sodium nitrite content of 0.8-0.9%.

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